Naveen Raja, Developer in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Naveen Raja

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Toptal Member Since
October 25, 2022

Naveen是一名全栈开发人员和认证解决方案架构师,专门设计和构建健壮的后端系统和api. 他精通JavaScript, Python, Java, Groovy, Go和SQL. 他在支付行业拥有丰富的经验,并开发了多个支付解决方案. Besides his development expertise, Naveen是一个很好的沟通者,他喜欢编程挑战,总是期待着学习新技术.


Freelance Clients
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, FastAPI, Gin-Gonic, Go, HTML, JavaScript...
Django, PostgreSQL, Python, Mobile Wallet, B2B Wallets, MySQL...
JavaScript, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Docker...




Preferred Environment

Python, JavaScript, Java, Groovy, Grails, Node.js, React, FastAPI, Docker, Kubernetes

The most amazing...

...我开发的项目是为商家提供一站式支付解决方案,名为Express checkout -该解决方案每天处理数百万笔交易.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2022 - PRESENT
Freelance Clients
  • 通过各种技术为多个客户端设计和开发web应用程序.
  • Involved in architecting infrastructure of several applications.
  • 协助开发api、UI和应用程序部署.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, FastAPI, Gin-Gonic, Go, HTML, JavaScript, Kubernetes, Node.. js, NGINX, Python, React, Redux, Solidity, SQL, Elasticsearch, Next.js, NestJS, TypeScript, Material UI, NoSQL, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), MongoDB, MySQL, Django, gRPC, Automation, Stripe, Cron, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Solution Architecture, Celery, Payment Processing, Mobile Wallet, B2B Wallets, Technical Leadership, Amazon EKS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Helm, Pytest, Locust, Distributed Systems, Django REST Framework, Asynchronous Programming, Containerization, Database Design, Database Optimization, Leadership, Performance Optimization, RESTful Services, Scalability

Technical Lead via Toptal

2023 - 2024
  • 设计并开发了一个闭环钱包,供市场参与者(商家和他们的客户)使用.
  • 设计和开发了一个直观的管理仪表板,以满足基本的后台功能.
  • Implemented new features, improved existing features, deployed code, and conducted code reviews, bug fixes, system maintenance, and customer support.
Technologies: Django, PostgreSQL, Python, Mobile Wallet, B2B Wallets, MySQL, Solution Architecture, Technical Leadership, Amazon EKS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, gRPC, Docker, Containerization, Helm, Redis, AWS ELB, Amazon EC2, Pytest, Locust, JavaScript, React

Senior Software Development Engineer

2020 - 2022
  • 参与规划和实施遗留支付系统的重写.
  • 开发即时支付结算系统,使商家能够在当天将客户的付款结算到他们的银行账户.
  • Implemented new features, improved existing features, deployed code, and conducted code reviews, bug fixes, and system maintenance.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Docker, Payment APIs, Card Payments, Digital Payments, Payment Processing, Online Payments, Payment Gateways, Solution Architecture, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon ElastiCache, Python, Django, Pytest, Asynchronous Programming, React

Senior Software Development Engineer

2016 - 2020
Juspay Technologies Pvt
  • 担任首席开发人员,并领导Express Checkout的开发和体系结构, 通过多种支付工具每天处理数百万笔交易的支付解决方案.
  • 通过深度链接为数字钱包设计并开发了一键支付解决方案.
  • 开发了一个独立的卡片锁柜,可以安全地存储客户的卡片详细信息, helping in easier payment flows.
  • 将20多个支付网关/聚合器集成到Express Checkout中, thus elevating the product offerings.
  • 参与商户仪表板的开发,帮助商户管理他们的支付网关, routing rules, customer transactions, refunds, payouts, and analytics.
  • Implemented new features, improved existing features, deployed code, and conducted code reviews, bug fixes, system maintenance, and customer support.
Technologies: Groovy, Java, Grails, JavaScript, SQL, MySQL, Python, React, Apache Tomcat, HTML, Spring, Hibernate, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Quartz, Node.js, Kubernetes, Docker, Redux, Automation, Cron, Solution Architecture, Payment APIs, Payment Processing, Card Payments, Payment Gateways, Digital Payments, Online Payments, Mobile Wallet, B2B Wallets, Technical Leadership, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Helm, Pytest, Locust, Distributed Systems, Asynchronous Programming, Containerization, Database Design, Database Optimization, Leadership, Performance Optimization, RESTful Services, Scalability

电子商务平台和市场的商人数字钱包. This innovative wallet includes a virtual IBAN feature, empowering customers to seamlessly oversee their purchases, receive payments for cash on delivery (COD) orders, and efficiently withdraw settlements.

In my role as the technical lead, 我策划了商人钱包的架构和开发, 辅以直观的管理仪表板迎合基本的后台功能. 该解决方案使用Django (Python)和PostgreSQL数据库制作了一个健壮的gRPC应用程序, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies such as AWS, Kubernetes, Redis, Celery, Locust, Datadog, and Sentry.

ZidWallet | Back-office Portal
一个后台应用程序,旨在有效地管理商家数字钱包的操作, 提供一套全面的工具来简化运营和财务团队的任务. 它处理从审查商家申请和验证KYC到注册商家的所有事情, monitoring transactions, and managing refunds and withdrawals. With features like wallet analytics and treasury management, the app ensures seamless financial control.

该应用程序是使用Django (Python)和PostgreSQL数据库创建的, leveraging technologies such as AWS, Kubernetes, Redis, Celery, Locust, Datadog, and Sentry.

Express Checkout
A single API interface for all the payment gateways. 商家可以选择100多个支付聚合器/支付网关(PA/ pg)来处理他们的在线支付. Express Checkout, built with an intelligent routing system, 帮助商家根据成功率有效地路由交易, gateway health, and business logic. Reduce operational costs, improve success rates, and ensure 99.99% uptime.

Serving as the project's lead developer, Express Checkout是用Grails (Groovy)和MySQL数据库编写的,并利用了AWS等多种技术, Redis, Nginx, Quartz, StatsD, Kibana, and Grafana. It was later rewritten in Node.js.

Card Locker
一个安全且隔离的卡库,允许商家保存客户的卡信息并检索它以进行进一步的交易. 我参与了新功能的开发和应用程序的维护.

它是用Grails (Groovy)编写的,使用MySQL数据库和AWS作为云基础设施.

Prattle, which I designed and developed, 匿名聊天应用是认识新朋友的好方法吗. Prattle将为用户随机挑选一个人,并创建一个私人聊天会话. The app will connect users with similar interests.

Prattle是用MERN堆栈构建的,并使用了Redis等几种技术, Docker, Kubernetes and NGINX.

CalTrack, designed and developed by me, 是否有一款卡路里追踪应用可以让你记录每天的食物消耗. 您可以为任何日期创建食物条目,并随时编辑和删除它. CalTrack的仪表板提供了有关用户消费内容的有用见解.


MySecrets, designed and developed by me, is a simple diary application that lets you record your memories. 用户可以为任何日期创建条目,并随时编辑和删除它. MySecrets提供了一个仪表板来查看和导航所有条目.

MySecrets was developed in Node.js with React/Redux, AWS DynamoDB, NGINX, Docker and Kubernetes.

Express Checkout Demo
一个由我设计和开发的演示项目,展示了所有客户的产品. The project shows all the checkout modes. 用户可以根据其帐户中配置的支付网关完成端到端交易.

Assets Dashboard

A simple dashboard application, designed and developed by me, to display assets owned by the user with a pie chart. 用户可以使用筛选菜单或通过单击饼图分段来根据资产类型筛选资产.

This was developed using FastAPI (Python), React, and Redux.


Python, JavaScript, Java, Groovy, SQL, HTML, CSS3, HTML5, Python 3, CSS, ECMAScript (ES6), Go, TypeScript, Solidity


Grails, Redux, Spring, Hibernate, Material UI, Express.. js、Spring Boot、OAuth 2、Bootstrap、gRPC、Locust、Flask、Gin-Gonic、NestJS、Next.js, Django, Django REST Framework


Node.js, React, Socket.IO, Quartz, REST APIs, Amazon EC2 API, Sockets, Python API, React Router, React Redux, Pydantic, SQLAlchemy, API Development, Stripe


Amazon CloudFront CDN, NGINX, Apache Tomcat, Git, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Docker Compose, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), AWS IAM, Bitbucket, AWS ELB, AWS CLI, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Analytics, PyCharm, Cron, Celery, Amazon EKS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon ElastiCache, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Helm, Pytest, AWS CodeDeploy, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)


REST, Socket Programming, Microservices, Test-driven Development (TDD), B2B, Unit Testing, API Architecture, Agile, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Microservices Architecture, Back-end Architecture, Automation, Asynchronous Programming, Database Design, DevOps


Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku


MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB, Google Cloud, NoSQL, Databases, RDBMS, PostgreSQL, Relational Databases, JSON, Elasticsearch


FastAPI, Software Development, Amazon RDS, Web Development, Software Development Toolkits (SDK), APIs, Full-stack Development, Back-end Development, Amazon Route 53, Full-stack, Back-end, Payment APIs, Architecture, API Integration, SaaS, Fintech, Front-end, SDKs, AWS Auto Scaling, Software Architecture, Cloud, AWS Certified Solution Architect, AWS Cloud Architecture, Stock Trading, Stock Market, Web Applications, Front-end Development, User Experience (UX), MVC Frameworks, HTTP, User Interface (UI), Engineering, Webhooks, MERN Stack, Integration Testing, OAuth, Dashboards, Admin Panels, Third-party APIs, Back-end Performance, Payment Gateways, Solution Architecture, Payment Processing, Mobile Wallet, B2B Wallets, Technical Leadership, Distributed Systems, Containerization, Database Optimization, Leadership, Performance Optimization, RESTful Services, Scalability, ECS, CI/CD Pipelines, WebSockets, Computer Science, Card Payments, Digital Payments, Online Payments

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

SSN College of Engineering - Chennai, India

JULY 2020 - JULY 2023

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional


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