Maxim Baev,俄罗斯新西伯利亚州新西伯利亚开发商
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Maxim Baev

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Toptal Member Since
April 12, 2014

Maxim is a professional back-end and front-end developer with 6+ years of experience. He has architected and implemented numerous object-oriented web apps, 并且擅长整合应用程序测试.



Preferred Environment

IntelliJ IDEA

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is integration and improvement of really large and complex parts of big telecom operator software

Work Experience


2015 - PRESENT
Performitiv (via Toptal)
  • Migrated the server part of the project from Express to HapiJS infrastructure, 包括带有验证的REST API, authentication, 和端点文档(通过Swagger).io).
  • Architected Angular apps separated by purpose but with a common business logic.
  • Added functionality to export different data to PowerPoint and Excel files, and also adopted printed versions of pages for browser printing to look good on paper.
  • Added functionality to import and save different structures in the application from CSV files.
  • Implemented load (performance) tests for critical parts of server logic with the ability to run it as a Gulp command.
  • 参与重写模块以使用Vue.js instead of AngularJS.
  • 与第三方系统集成.
Technologies: Hapi.. js、Webpack、MongoDB、AngularJS、Vue、Node.js

Front-end Engineer

2015 - 2016
PowerScout (via Toptal)
  • 创建了一个仪表板,用于管理传入订单.
  • 开发了一个太阳系订单工作流的主要部分.
  • Implemented complex markup and client-side logic for landing and other marketing-related pages.
  • 在网站上集成了聊天系统.
  • Implemented integration with PHP back-end and took part in DB architecture development.
技术:Vagrant, Gulp, Emacs, AngularJS

Front-end Developer

2014 - 2016
  • 使用Ext为应用程序制作灵活的UI.js.
  • 将UI与Django后端API集成.
  • 增加了许多图形/图表,以用户友好的形式显示数据.
  • Extended the Ext.js plugin for printing grids to also correctly print panels with charts.
  • 做了一些调整,有了Ext.Js的应用程序在移动设备上看起来不错.
技术:CSS3, HTML5, Ext JS, JavaScript

Node.js Developer

2015 - 2015
Whistle Group(通过Toptal)
  • 创建了一个脚本工具,将PDF文档添加到Elasticsearch索引中.
  • Added an API endpoint to expose access to full text search through PDF documents in the Elasticsearch index.
  • Created several standalone script tools for document management in AWS S3 buckets.
  • 在Node上实现了多个REST API端点后端逻辑.js.
  • Followed a BDD approach in development, including test cases for all possible situations.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 行为驱动发展(BDD), MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Node.js


2015 - 2015
Megusta Enterprise GmbH
  • 开发了实时社区平台即服务.
  • Implemented the platform in the form of web and desktop applications (desktop is using Node Webkit).
  • 在项目中广泛使用MongoDB.
  • 为前端和后端添加了单元测试系统.
  • 支持向最终用户交付应用程序的过程.
技术:WebSockets, Bootstrap, WebKit, MongoDB, Node.js, CoffeeScript

Senior Java Developer

2013 - 2015
Noveo Group
  • 使用Java和JavaScript框架开发UI.
  • 为web应用程序和web服务开发了广泛的后端.
  • Improved a testing system, including unit and SoapUI integration tests.
  • 致力于分布式系统不同部分的集成.
  • Used TIBCO integration solutions for an experimental project for improving the efficiency of system integration.
  • Developed several AngularJS modules of an eCommerce application from scratch.
技术:TIBCO, XML, SOAP, SQL, JavaScript, Java EE


2014 - 2014
  • 在新的项目聊天系统中添加了很酷的新功能.
  • 创建了一个带有单元和端到端测试的测试系统.
  • 改进了web应用程序的响应式设计.
  • 在Node上开发RESTFul web服务.js.
  • Made research work and several test projects on data storage technologies like Riak and Firebase.
技术:Firebase, Bootstrap, Node.js, AngularJS

Senior Java Developer

2010 - 2013
Softage LLC
  • 为Android开发了一个轻量级SharePoint客户端应用程序.
  • Added custom portlets to several projects based on the Liferay portal.
  • Took part in developing big enterprise applications with an international team.
  • 使用JavaScript和Java框架实现富UI.
  • Worked on integration of different parts of distributed enterprise applications.
Technologies: Android, Android SDK, SQL, JavaScript, Portlets, Java EE

Java Developer

2010 - 2010
  • 改进了一个新的网络银行应用程序.
  • 支持法律实体的旧银行应用程序.
  • 致力于Oracle数据库交互的性能改进.
  • 编写大量的单元和集成测试.
  • 作为团队的一员在网上银行手机应用程序上工作.
技术:Oracle, SQL, JavaScript, Java EE

Java Developer

2008 - 2010
Sibers LLC
  • 就DB请求而言,改进了应用程序的性能.
  • 在几个Java web应用程序中实现了广泛的功能.
  • 开发了两个桌面应用程序(Java Swing和Eclipse SWT).
  • Implemented new and improved existing SOAP and REST services for a mobile services company.
  • 致力于Flex应用与Java后端的集成.
技术:Flex, JavaScript, XML, Java EE, Java SE

Performitiv是一家绩效改进技术公司. 它提供了一个基于云的性能改进系统来收集, reports, and analyzes programs, processes, 和合作伙伴的数据来识别质量, risk, impact, and value areas. 我不是一开始就来的, so at first time reworked a bit structure to switch to HapiJS server infrastructure, 增加了单元测试的结构,使其具有良好的覆盖率. Then worked on business logic of the application, as well as front-end part of project. One of the challenging features visible for all users was implementation export to PowerPoint slides of analytic data with charts, tables, 动态图片等等. Also worked a lot to improve Angular modules to have good performance across all main browsers, 包括旧版本的IE, on big sets of data. 也做了很多系统集成工作.

An application that offers homeowners the option to switch to solar energy by calculating the necessary system of solar panels for their house and making the order to install panels. I worked on 3 parts:
- Implemented steps of user workflow (like a wizard) to purchase solar system.
- Implemented the front-end part of a dashboard for administrators to work with orders.


A new version of a French startup that allows people to share (rent) any kind of goods (AngularJS application based on Jade templates integrated with Django back-end). I worked on the project from scratch in a team with a designer and back-end developer. 我还花了一些时间领导另一位前端开发人员.


医患匹配系统(模拟Zocdoc).com) where patients can search doctors based on several criteria (like specialty, address, available time, etc.),医生可以为病人提供服务.


I designed and developed several web applications for Altisource company. The main purpose of all applications was to simplify the process of making mortgages and other loans. 我在(来自俄罗斯的)散布bug的国际指挥部工作, India, Romania, and USA), 使用敏捷开发流程和Scrum技术.

Silicon Taiga

A web portal for the Russian start-up “Silicon Taiga,” analogous to The portal was built on the open source version of the Liferay portal.


我开发并维护了一个用于消费的web应用程序, producing, and processing SMS, featuring a custom CMS.

Cook 365

A personal project using lots of Java Server and front-end technologies. It is a cooking website with an everyday proposal on what to cook today. It is currently closed.

Online Gambling Casino
An online casino in the form of a Java web application and different Flex-based games using the Java back-end.


一个为想学英语的人准备的网站. It was implemented using Flex as the main technology for chatting and Java for other parts of the web application.
2003 - 2008




Node.js, Java Collections, Java Servlets, SAX, AMQP, Vue, jQuery, RichFaces, JAXB, JAX-RS, Jackson, Vuex, Backbone.VK API, Facebook API, JasperReports


WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, Git, Apache Tomcat, Subversion (SVN), Apache Maven, Gulp, Karma, Vim Text Editor, Gradle, Grunt, Bower, Eclipse IDE, SoapUI, Sonar, Apache Ant, Webpack, Emacs, Vagrant, RabbitMQ, Microsoft Visual Studio, Plotly, Bamboo, Eclipse RCP, JBoss Drools, Apache JMeter


Hapi.js, Apache Struts 2, Spring, Spring MVC, Ext JS, Hibernate, Apache Wicket, AngularJS, NativeScript, Bootstrap 3, Spring JDBC, JavaServer Faces, Java代理开发(JADE), Android SDK, Spring Security, Sencha Touch, JSF, Flex, Bootstrap, Spring Boot, PhoneGap, JBoss Seam, Mockito, PowerMock, JUnit, GWT, Prototype Framework, Apache Velocity


JavaScript, Java, CoffeeScript, SQL, XML, Java SE, HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript


Inversion of Control, 面向对象编程(OOP), 敏捷软件开发, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 面向对象设计(OOD), Design Patterns, 面向服务的架构(SOA), 持续集成(CI), 测试驱动开发(TDD), 行为驱动发展(BDD)


Windows, Oracle, Unix, Android, Java EE, Firebase, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Parse, MacOS


NoSQL, MongoDB, JSON, MySQL, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, HSQL, Riak, H2


TIBCO, Liferay, microsoft365, portlet, SOAP, WebKit, WebSockets

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