Mirko Lazarevic,黑山Herceg Novi市设计师
Mirko is available for hire
Hire Mirko

Mirko Lazarevic

Verified Expert  in Design


Herceg Novi, Herceg Novi Municipality, Montenegro
April 1, 2019

Mirko is a seasoned UX/UI designer with over 10 years of experience, predominantly focused on designing and revamping cross-platform applications, SaaS和企业产品, 登陆页. 他的专业领域包括研究、战略、原型设计和产品设计. 值得注意的是,Mirko还参与了音乐和生活方式行业的设计项目. 他的作品获得了多个奖项,并被著名的设计书籍所收录, magazines, 以及全世界的博客.


Work Experience


2022 - 2023
  • 领导B2B营销自动化工具的重新设计和原型设计,该工具允许企业设置意图信号, segment their total addressable market (TAM), 并创建自动化工作流.
  • 设计并原型化了一个用户友好的无代码工作流自动化和逻辑系统,使客户能够根据第三方供应商提供的意图信号轻松地创建和定制自动化营销活动.
  • 在营销自动化工具中创建液态语法消息传递模块,该模块利用ChatGPT的自然语言处理功能为客户创建个性化消息传递.
Technologies: Marketing Automation, B2B, B2B销售渠道, Intent Signals, 市场细分, 工作流自动化, 营销活动, 电子邮件营销, 海外市场营销, Marketing Automation Platforms (MAPs), Webhooks, ChatGPT, Liquid, HubSpot CRM, Salesforce, 预测市场, Leads, Web UX, SaaS, 企业SaaS, App UI, Web App Design, Automation, 任务自动化, 没有代码开发, 用户新员工培训, 旅程的映射, System Design, 产品发现, Service Design, UX Wireframes, Apps, 人工智能(AI), 客户之旅, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, 聊天机器人对话设计, Webflow, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, AI Design, 自然语言处理(NLP), Big Data, 大数据用户体验设计师, 流线化设计, Transportation & Logistics, 发现车间, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Brand Design, 前端设计, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 品牌指导方针, Mockups, 营销技术(MarTech), UX Wireflows, 专业服务, 信息技术, OpenAI, Generative 人工智能 (GenAI), 人工智能 as a Service (AIaaS), Web UX Design, Fluid UI, UI Animation, 商业技术, Color Palettes, Lean Startups

UI/UX Designer

2022 - 2022
  • 设计并制作了一个iPad(基于平板电脑)应用程序原型,用于金条和宝石的库存管理.
  • Did heuristic evaluation of the usability of wireframes that client had, 并且基于它的见解, 在考虑设备特定需求的同时,提出用户体验改进和应用程序的总体结构和导航.
  • 根据材料指南的要求,根据设计标记创建了光明和黑暗材料3主题.
技术:用户界面(UI), Tablet Design, UX Design, iOS, iPad, 材料设计, Figma, Prototyping, 可用性启发式, 启发式评估, 数据可视化, Tables, iOS设计指南, 产品发现, Mobile, UX Wireframes, Apps, Layout, Web, UI Prototyping, Mockups, UX Wireflows, 专业服务, Web UX Design, Fluid UI, Banking & Finance, 商业技术, Color Palettes

UI/UX Designer

2021 - 2022
  • 重新设计了用于图像和视频处理存储的B2B数字资产管理web应用程序.
  • Designed file transfer microsite portals and a back-end tool to manage them.
  • Created high-fidelity interactive prototypes of the app.
Technologies: Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Web UI, Web UX, Images, Cloud Storage, Databases, 图像处理, 批量图像处理, B2B, 内容管理系统(CMS), User Flows, UI Design, UX Design, Product Design, Web App UX, Web App Design, 高保真原型, 用户界面(UI), UI Branding, Wireframing, 用户体验(UX), Web Design, SaaS, Web App UI, Prototyping, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, Figma, 信息架构(IA), 用户旅程地图, 快速原型, 快速交互原型, Form Design, 交互设计(IxD), App Design, Design Systems, 利益相关者的采访, 信息设计, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, 通信设计, Inter-app沟通, Management, Redesign, 启发式评估, Customization, Wizards, Styled-components, UIKit, 用户新员工培训, 网站设计, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, User Workflows, Workflow, Onboarding, UI Components, User Paths, 用户权限, Data Privacy, Privacy, UX Prototyping, 可用性启发式, 以用户为中心的设计, 数码产品设计, User Stories, 交互原型, 视频处理, Amazon CloudFront CDN, 仪表盘的设计, Charts, 功能的优先级, 产品路线图, UX Wireframes, Apps, 人工智能(AI), Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, AI Design, 启发式分析, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, UX Wireflows, 专业服务, 信息技术, Web UX Design, Fluid UI, UI Animation, 商业技术, Color Palettes

Design System Analyst and Restructuring Specialist

2021 - 2021
Funnel IQ
  • Analyzed the current state of the design system and proposed improvements.
  • Restructured existing components so they become more flexible and consistent. Combined Auto Layout, components, variants, and styles in Figma Team Library.
  • 创建新的原子组件, molecules, 以及基于现有页面和响应式组件的页面布局设计模板.
技术:Figma, Design Systems, 组件库, UI Components, Atomic Design, System UI, 仪表盘的设计, 数据可视化, Charts, Apps, Layout, Web, 启发式分析, UI Prototyping, 营销技术(MarTech), 专业服务, Color Palettes

UI/UX Designer

2021 - 2021
Max Planck Society, Institute for Human Development
  • 评估启发式可用性并设计web应用Castellum的改进, 用于马克斯普朗克研究所科学研究的研究参与管理工具.
  • Created user flow maps for ten different user roles, 映射它们的交互路径, and, based on that, 为他们每个人创建了用户体验解决方案,以根据欧盟的数据保护法规改进参与者数据的管理.
  • Created an interactive prototype of the app based on the Bootstrap UI kit.
技术:Figma, Bootstrap 4, Web UI, Web UX, Consulting, Prototyping, UX Prototyping, Management, Data Privacy, 数据库设计, 企业系统, Enterprise, 企业设计, Research, Profile Design, User Flows, 可用性启发式, 启发式评估, 仪表盘的设计, UI Design, UX Design, Web App UX, Web App Design, 用户界面(UI), Wireframing, 用户体验(UX), Web App UI, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, 信息架构(IA), 用户旅程地图, 快速交互原型, 快速原型, Form Design, 交互设计(IxD), App Design, Accessibility, 利益相关者的采访, 信息设计, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Task Scheduling, 企业SaaS, Redesign, Styled-components, UIKit, 网站设计, 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, User Workflows, Workflow, 网页可及性, User Paths, 用户权限, Privacy, Scheduling, 以用户为中心的设计, 数码产品设计, 交互原型, Healthcare, Healthcare IT, 数据可视化, Charts, Social Media, 学习管理系统(LMS), Tables, 旅程的映射, Apps, 客户之旅, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, 大数据用户体验设计师, 流线化设计, 启发式分析, UI Prototyping, Mockups, UX Wireflows, 专业服务, 信息技术, Web UX Design, 商业技术

UI/UX Designer

2020 - 2021
Castle Keyp
  • 设计了端到端加密, 跨平台的社交网络,用户可以安全地存储和分享个人数据,并逐渐与他们信任的人分享.
  • 在关键用户流程上创建多维用户流,构思创新解决方案,克服端到端加密导致的用户痛点,同时不影响数据隐私和安全性.
  • Built high-end prototypes for mobile and desktop apps.
  • 为移动和桌面应用程序构建用户登录流程、设计和原型.
  • 设计一个基于组件的设计系统,并帮助开发人员将其实现到React Native中.
技术:数据加密, Encryption, Web UX, Web UI, Web App UX, Web App UI, 响应式Web应用, Web应用程序安全, Web App Design, Web应用程序, iOS, Android, 材料设计, 社交网络, 数据库设计, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Mobile App UI, 端到端加密, User Flows, User Paths, User Profiles, 用户权限, 用户旅程地图, User Journeys, 用户新员工培训, Onboarding, Data Privacy, UI Design, UX Design, MVP Design, Product Design, Mobile Design, 高保真原型, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 移动应用设计, UI Branding, Wireframing, 用户体验(UX), 手机UI设计, Web Design, 移动用户体验设计, Prototyping, Android材质设计, Android设计指南, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, Figma, 信息架构(IA), 跨平台的用户体验, Responsive UI, 快速交互原型, 快速原型, Form Design, 交互设计(IxD), App Design, Google素材设计, Design Systems, Material UI, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, 通信设计, Inter-app沟通, Management, Wizards, 响应式用户体验设计, Styled-components, Profile Design, UIKit, 网站设计, 用户界面(UI), 尝试设计, User Workflows, Workflow, UI Components, iOS UI Design, Cybersecurity, Startups, Privacy, UX Prototyping, 以用户为中心的设计, 面向消费者的产品设计, 数码产品设计, iOS App Design, User Stories, 交互原型, Mobile First, 最小可行产品(MVP), 消费服务, System Design, Social Media, iOS设计指南, 旅程的映射, 产品发现, 社交媒体应用, 加密协议, Crypto, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, 功能的优先级, 产品路线图, UX Wireframes, Apps, 客户之旅, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Layout, Web, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Brand Design, Mockups, UX Wireflows, 社交网络, 信息技术, Web UX Design, 移动的原型, Fluid UI, UI Animation, Color Palettes, Lean Startups

UI/UX Designer

2020 - 2021
  • 为一种乐器学习产品设计了一种虚拟教室体验,学生和老师可以通过多达四个摄像头进行互动, read and edit music notation with instrument aids, use a metronome, sync playback, and record.
  • 创建学生练习课程, dashboards, 还有一个共享的云库,可以快速访问以前会议的文档和反馈.
  • 为认证教师、他们的简介和预订流程设计市场列表.
  • Ideated the onboarding experience for the student, where they can personalize their learning objectives and preferences.
  • Created high-fidelity prototypes for in-class and practice experience, the marketplace, 登陆页.
技术:市场, E-learning, Music Industry, Education, Adult Learning, Adult Education, 课堂教学, Meetings, 视频会议, Video Calling, 数字音频工作站(DAW), Teaching, 用户新员工培训, Onboarding, 市场平台, 市场设计, 社会市场, User Flows, Virtual Work, Music Notation, Web UX, Web UI, Dashboards, SaaS Design, 仪表盘的设计, UI Design, UX Design, MVP Design, Product Design, Web App Design, 高保真原型, 用户界面(UI), UI Branding, Wireframing, 用户体验(UX), eCommerce, Web App UI, Prototyping, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, Figma, Branding, 信息架构(IA), Personas, User Personas, iOS, 用户旅程地图, Booking UX, 快速原型, 快速交互原型, 设计领导, Typography, B2C, Layout Design, Form Design, 登陆页面设计, 交互设计(IxD), App Design, Design Systems, Music Players, User Journeys, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Music, 通信设计, Inter-app沟通, Management, Timelines, Booking Systems, Audio Streaming, 数据库设计, Sound, Wizards, Styled-components, Profile Design, UIKit, Music Streaming, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, 电子商务网站的设计, User Workflows, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Events, Training, Edtech Design, Learning, School, 大学教学, Web App UX, 跨平台的用户体验, 分析仪表盘, UI Components, Startups, User Paths, 用户权限, Privacy, UX Prototyping, Scheduling, 以用户为中心的设计, Design Thinking, 面向消费者的产品设计, 数码产品设计, User Stories, 交互原型, 最小可行产品(MVP), 消费服务, Charts, 学习管理系统(LMS), 产品发现, Service Design, UX Wireframes, Apps, 客户之旅, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Layout, Web, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Brand Design, Mockups, UX Wireflows, 教育科技(Edtech), Web UX Design, Fluid UI, UI Animation, Color Palettes, Lean Startups

UX Designer

2020 - 2020
保密(1.5 million residents city and major local urban area and economical hub)
  • Designed the MVP for the Smart City government web app.
  • Designed a head-up display dashboard for a 4k transparent screen.
  • 用3D图层和自定义GeoJSON数据块创建交互式Mapbox样式.
  • Created big data visualizations to inform the decision-making of operators.
技术:Mapbox样式, Map Making, Maps, Task Management, 位置跟踪, 跟踪系统, 企业SaaS, 数据库设计, 数据可视化, Web UI, 高保真原型, MVP Design, 仪表盘的设计, UI Design, SaaS Design, 物联网(IoT), 4K, GeoJSON, 3D Maps, Mapbox, IoT Security, Figma, Dashboards, Web App Design, Web App UI, 用户体验(UX), 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, 基于数据的视觉设计, 屏幕显示(OSD), Accessibility, 交互设计(IxD), Infographics, Enterprise, WCAG 2, 网页可及性, UX Design, 用户界面(UI), Prototyping, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, 快速原型, 快速交互原型, 设计领导, Typography, Layout Design, Form Design, App Design, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Inter-app沟通, 任务自动化, Task Scheduling, 导航设计, Management, Styled-components, Web UX, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Web App UX, Wireframing, 信息架构(IA), 利益相关者的采访, 用户权限, UX Prototyping, 企业系统, 数码产品设计, 交互原型, 最小可行产品(MVP), 产品发现, Apps, 客户之旅, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, AI Design, Big Data, 大数据用户体验设计师, 流线化设计, 大数据架构, Transportation & Logistics, UI Prototyping, Transportation & Shipping, Mockups, 信息技术, Generative 人工智能 (GenAI), Web UX Design, Fluid UI, UI Animation, 商业技术, Color Palettes

UI/UX Designer

2019 - 2020
  • 为ML(机器学习)CRM web应用程序综合用户和业务研究.
  • 根据研究输入为用户测试开发线框图和交互原型.
  • Visualized essential data generated by ML and presented it in a dashboard app.
  • Designed a Windows app for a machine learning CRM app.
技术:用户旅程, 金融产品, Task Management, 企业SaaS, 响应设计, 数据库设计, 响应式用户体验设计, Styled-components, Profile Design, CRM Design, 数据可视化, Web UI, 高保真原型, UX Design, MVP Design, Product Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 仪表盘的设计, SaaS Design, Wireframing, Prototyping, Figma, Dashboards, Web App Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, 用户体验(UX), 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, 基于数据的视觉设计, UI Research, User Research, Fintech, User Workflows, Finance, 材料设计, Design Systems, 手机UI设计, 交互设计(IxD), Form Design, Android UI设计, Android设计指南, Android材质设计, Atomic Design, 模式库, UI模式库, UI Components, 组件库, 桌面应用设计, 可用性测试, Infographics, Enterprise, Startups, 响应式网页设计(RWD), UI Branding, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, 快速原型, 快速交互原型, 设计领导, Typography, B2B, Layout Design, App Design, Google素材设计, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, 任务自动化, Task Scheduling, Management, Web UX, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), 信息架构(IA), 启发式评估, User Paths, 用户权限, UX Prototyping, 数码产品设计, User Stories, 交互原型, 最小可行产品(MVP), 商业智能(BI), Lead Generation, B2B潜在客户生成, B2B销售渠道, Charts, Tables, 产品发现, UX Wireframes, Apps, 人工智能(AI), 人工智能 as a Service (AIaaS), Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, AI Design, Big Data, 大数据用户体验设计师, 流线化设计, 发现车间, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Mockups, 营销技术(MarTech), UX Wireflows, 专业服务, 信息技术, Generative 人工智能 (GenAI), Web UX Design, UX Research, Fluid UI, UI Animation, Color Palettes, Lean Startups

UI/UX Designer

2018 - 2020
  • Redesigned a SaaS product to help users better manage their viral campaigns. A total of 200+ screens were redesigned.
  • Created an Atomic component-based design system in Figma.
  • Constructed wireframes and user flows of the product and set up flow.
  • Built a prototype of the product for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Conducted a heuristic evaluation of the old product.
技术:用户旅程地图, User Journeys, Timelines, Task Management, 企业SaaS, 响应设计, Redesign, Progressive Web应用程序 (PWA), Parallax Design, Wizards, Landing Pages, 以知识为基础的配置, Visual Composer, 响应式用户体验设计, Styled-components, Profile Design, Mobile Design, 数据可视化, Web UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 高保真原型, UX Design, UI Branding, Product Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 仪表盘的设计, SaaS Design, InVision, ProtoPie, Figma, Dashboards, 用户新员工培训, 网站设计, Web Design, Web App Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, 响应式Web应用, Branding, 用户体验(UX), 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, UI Research, User Research, Color Theory, Workflow, User Workflows, 移动应用设计, Material UI, 材料设计, Design Systems, Onboarding, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, 手机UI设计, Sitemaps, 交互设计(IxD), Form Design, Android, Android UI设计, Android设计指南, Android材质设计, Atomic Design, 模式库, UI模式库, UI Components, 组件库, 设计指导方针, 可用性测试, Infographics, Wireframing, Prototyping, Microinteractions, 高保真原型, 信息架构(IA), User Flows, iOS, 跨平台的用户体验, 快速原型, 快速交互原型, 设计领导, Typography, B2B, B2C, Layout Design, App Design, Google素材设计, E-learning, Education, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Management, 启发式评估, UIKit, Web UX, 移动用户体验设计, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Mobile Apps, Events, 信息设计, User Testing, UX Prototyping, 可用性启发式, 以用户为中心的设计, Design Thinking, 数码产品设计, iOS App Design, 交互原型, 商业智能(BI), Lead Generation, B2B潜在客户生成, B2B销售渠道, 客户访谈, Charts, 学习管理系统(LMS), Tables, User Interviews, User Surveys, Surveys, Mobile, UX Wireframes, Apps, 客户之旅, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, 流线化设计, 启发式分析, 发现车间, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 品牌指导方针, Mockups, 营销技术(MarTech), Web UX Design, 移动的原型, Fluid UI, UI Animation, Color Palettes

UI/UX Designer

2019 - 2019
  • 为销售点(POS) iPad和桌面应用程序创建一个材料设计用户界面.
  • Built an interactive prototype in Figma for the POS app.
  • 为POS系统开发深色和浅色主题,为应用开发主题色彩,配合不同的场景, 喜欢的餐馆, clubs, fast food, etc.
  • 评估当前POS系统的用户体验,提出更好的导航模式和结构.
技术:数据库设计, 数据可视化, Web UI, 高保真原型, MVP Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 仪表盘的设计, SaaS Design, iOS, POS, Zeplin, Figma, Dashboards, Web App Design, Web App UI, 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, Fintech, POS Displays, Color Theory, Finance, Material UI, 材料设计, Design Systems, 交互设计(IxD), iPad, Atomic Design, 组件库, iOS UI Design, Product Design, Prototyping, 高保真原型, 快速原型, 快速交互原型, 设计领导, Typography, B2B, Layout Design, App Design, Google素材设计, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Inter-app沟通, 任务自动化, Task Scheduling, 用户体验(UX), Web UX, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Web App UX, 可用性启发式, 数码产品设计, iOS App Design, 交互原型, Mobile First, 商业智能(BI), Charts, Tables, Service Design, UX Wireframes, Apps, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, UI Prototyping, Mockups, 专业服务, Web UX Design, 移动的原型, Fluid UI, Banking & Finance, 商业技术, Color Palettes

UI/UX Designer

2017 - 2018
Quick App Ninja
  • 改进了Android游戏生成器web应用程序的可用性,以便用户可以轻松地使用可定制的模板创建他们的问答游戏.
  • Created thematic customization templates for offered game apps.
  • Implemented the wireframing, design, and prototyping.
  • Designed a progressive web application for the dashboard.
技术:响应式设计, Redesign, Progressive Web应用程序 (PWA), Parallax Design, Gamification, App Themes, Wizards, Landing Pages, Visual Composer, 响应式用户体验设计, Styled-components, Profile Design, Mobile Design, 数据可视化, Web UI, UI Branding, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 高保真原型, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), Prototyping, 仪表盘的设计, SaaS Design, Podio, Adobe Photoshop, Zeplin, Figma, Dashboards, 网站设计, Web Design, Web App Design, Web App UI, 响应式Web应用, Branding, 用户体验(UX), 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, UI Research, User Research, Workflow, User Workflows, 移动应用设计, Material UI, Design Systems, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, 手机UI设计, Android, Android设计指南, Android UI设计, Android材质设计, Atomic Design, 模式库, UI模式库, UI Components, 组件库, Product Design, 信息架构(IA), User Flows, 跨平台的用户体验, 设计领导, Typography, B2C, Layout Design, 登陆页面设计, App Design, Google素材设计, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, 启发式评估, UX Design, Web UX, 移动用户体验设计, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Mobile Apps, Web App UX, 企业系统, 可用性启发式, 以用户为中心的设计, 面向消费者的产品设计, 数码产品设计, 交互原型, 消费服务, 学习管理系统(LMS), 消费产品, Mobile, Apps, 复杂Web系统, Admin Panels, Layout, Web, Entertainment & Leisure, 启发式分析, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Mockups, Web UX Design, 移动的原型, Fluid UI, UI Animation, Color Palettes, Lean Startups

UI/UX Designer

2017 - 2018
  • 重新设计了一个跨平台的SaaS产品,帮助用户识别DJ混音中播放的曲目(歌曲),并找到它们的相关信息以及它们在其他混音中的重复出现.
  • 设计了一个仪表板,可以在整个网络上跟踪一个艺术家的歌曲的表现.
  • Designed a landing page to feature the product features and collect leads.
  • 通过调查进行用户研究,处理线框图、原型设计和测试.
技术:时间, 响应设计, Redesign, Progressive Web应用程序 (PWA), 数据库设计, Digital Music, Landing Pages, 响应式用户体验设计, Styled-components, Profile Design, Mobile Design, Web UI, 高保真原型, 仪表盘的设计, Product Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), SaaS Design, ProtoPie, Figma, Dashboards, 网站设计, Web Design, Web App Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, 响应式Web应用, 用户体验(UX), 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, 移动应用设计, Mobile UX, Android, Android设计指南, Android UI设计, Android材质设计, UI Components, 设计指导方针, Music Industry, UX Design, Wireframing, Mobile UI, 信息架构(IA), 跨平台的用户体验, 设计领导, B2C, Layout Design, App Design, Google素材设计, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Audio Streaming, Sound, 启发式评估, Web UX, 移动用户体验设计, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Mobile Apps, 可用性启发式, 面向消费者的产品设计, 数码产品设计, Mobile First, 最小可行产品(MVP), 消费服务, Charts, 消费产品, Mobile, UX Wireframes, Apps, Layout, Web, Entertainment & Leisure, 流线化设计, 启发式分析, UX Branding, UI Prototyping, Mockups, Web UX Design, 移动的原型, UI Animation, Color Palettes

Senior Designer

2016 - 2017
  • Designed the landing pages and extended the design system.
  • Maintained the brand image in the marketing campaigns.
  • Designed PDF business reports for the Miss Austria brand.
技术:响应式设计, Redesign, 响应式用户体验设计, Profile Design, Web UI, Visual Design, 高保真原型, UI Branding, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), Adobe Illustrator, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, 网站设计, Web Design, Fashion, Marketplaces, 电子商务网站的设计, Fashion & Beauty, 奢侈品行业, 手机UI设计, Sitemaps, 设计指导方针, Websites, Typography, Layout Design, 登陆页面设计, UI风格指南, Style Guides, UX Design, 用户体验(UX), Events, 面向消费者的产品设计, Layout, Web, Entertainment & Leisure, UX Branding, Brand Design, 品牌指导方针, Mockups, Color Palettes

UX/UI Designer

2015 - 2017
Notime AG
  • 设计了一款应用程序,帮助调度员监控快递员的进度并协调发货.
  • Designed an app for the couriers to follow their shipping routes and tasks.
  • 为厨师设计了一款B2B平板电脑应用程序,用于与NoTime平台沟通尚未发货的饭菜准备情况. The app is highly optimized for the context, with minimal interaction required and streamlined features.
  • Researched and gathered user and business inputs and created user stories.
  • Designed the landing page to showcase the features of the product.
  • Implemented wireframing and user flows of the products.
技术:用户旅程, 任务自动化, Map Making, Timelines, Task Management, 跟踪系统, 企业SaaS, 响应设计, 数据库设计, Landing Pages, 响应式用户体验设计, Profile Design, Mobile Design, 数据可视化, Web UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Visual Design, 高保真原型, UX Design, Product Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 仪表盘的设计, SaaS Design, Adobe Illustrator, InVision, Mapbox, Adobe Photoshop, Dashboards, 网站设计, Web App Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, 响应式Web应用, Branding, UX Research, 用户体验(UX), 分析仪表盘, Web应用程序, Web Dashboards, 基于数据的视觉设计, UI Research, Color Theory, Workflow, User Workflows, 移动应用设计, Design Systems, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, 手机UI设计, Android, Android UI设计, Android设计指南, UI模式库, 组件库, 设计指导方针, Infographics, Enterprise, Startups, Wireframing, 信息架构(IA), Personas, User Personas, 用户旅程地图, 跨平台的用户体验, 设计领导, Layout Design, App Design, Web UI Design, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Inter-app沟通, Task Scheduling, Mapbox Styling, 导航设计, Management, Maps, Music Streaming, IoT Security, Web UX, 移动用户体验设计, SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), Mobile Apps, Events, UI Maps, 通信设计, Scheduling, 可用性启发式, Task Flows, Tasklist, iOS App Design, Leadership, 客户访谈, User Surveys, Surveys, 产品发现, Service Design, Mobile, Apps, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 复杂Web系统, Layout, Web, AI Design, 流线化设计, Transportation & Logistics, UX Branding, Logo Design, 品牌指导方针, Transportation & Shipping, Mockups, 专业服务, Generative 人工智能 (GenAI), 人工智能 as a Service (AIaaS), User Interviews, 移动的原型, 商业技术, Color Palettes, Lean Startups

Web Designer

2012 - 2015
  • 在快节奏的环境中为主要公司客户设计和重新设计登陆页面.
  • Customized the WordPress theme with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Sass.
  • 创建线框图,设计web和移动平台的跨平台应用程序.
技术:响应式设计, Redesign, Landing Pages, 响应式用户体验设计, Profile Design, Mobile Design, Web UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 高保真原型, UI Branding, 用户界面(UI), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, 网站设计, Web Design, Color Theory, 移动应用设计, Mobile UI, 手机UI设计, Sitemaps, WordPress的设计, 设计指导方针, Websites, Wireframing, Layout Design, 登陆页面设计, UI风格指南, Style Guides, Hospitality, Leadership, Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Layout, Web, 启发式分析, UX Branding, Brand Design, Mockups, Color Palettes

Visual Designer and Creative Director

2008 - 2012
  • Designed whole campaigns for various music and art festivals, 包括sininestezija节, Kids Patch, and the Exit Festival merchandise shop.
  • Designed travel posters and branding for a travel agency in Montenegro.
  • 开发印刷设计解决方案,在线商店和服装品牌的活动.
  • Created the album covers for musicians and designed small-event campaigns.
  • Won the award for "Best Travel Poster in Montenegro."
技术:响应式设计, Redesign, Sound, Customization, 响应式用户体验设计, Profile Design, Web UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Visual Design, UI Branding, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Web Design, Fashion, Branding, Fashion & Beauty, 奢侈品行业, 用户界面(UI), Color Theory, Sitemaps, Youth, Art Direction, 设计指导方针, Websites, Music Industry, 设计领导, Typography, Lifestyle, Layout Design, Music, Events, Hospitality, Graphics, Layout, Web, Entertainment & 休闲,用户体验品牌,标志设计,品牌设计,品牌指南,模型,调色板
2005 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Arts and Design


2001 - 2005

Technician's Degree in Graphic Design

Secondary Art School "Petar Lubarda" - Cetinje, Montenegro
















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